A Textbook: Inductive Logic by Karamat Hussain is a foundational resource for students and enthusiasts delving into the realm of logic and reasoning. With clear and concise explanations, Hussain elucidates...
"Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History" by R. Jon McGee and Richard L. Warms is a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of anthropological thought. This fourth edition provides an insightful overview...
"Business Foundations: A Changing World" presents a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic landscape of modern business. In its 12th edition, authored by O. C. Ferrell, this seminal text navigates through...
Civil engineering, a cornerstone of modern infrastructure and development, encompasses the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of various physical and naturally built environments. This field is integral to the development...
"Cloud Computing Security Foundations And Challenges Second Edition by John R. Vacca offers a comprehensive overview of the essential principles, practices, and challenges associated with securing cloud-based systems. In this...
"Concrete Structures Part One 4th Edition" by Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi offers a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and practices governing the design and construction of concrete structures. This edition...
Exploring Psychology 11th Edition By David Myers & C Nathan Dewall provides an in-depth overview of psychological concepts, theories, and research. The book covers a wide range of topics, including...